Motorized Gaming Beds, Innovative or Health Deteriorating?

Motorized beds are nothing new. They have existed since the 19th century. But they have primarily been used for hospital patients or senior citizens. 

Bauhutte had released an extra-large beanbag for gamers back in 2020, but it doesn’t come close to the gaming bed they released this week. The headrest and footrest can be independently adjusted to the user’s desires, allowing the device to change from a bed to a chair as needed. 

Gamers can change the headrest from lying flat to 60° and the footrest from lying flat to 35°. These adjustments can be done using a remote stored on the side of the bed. 

The setup comes with additional components like storage space for gaming equipment, keyboard and monitors arms that can be swung over when gaming and even a mini-fridge. This eliminates the need for the gamer to move around to get food and drinks. This could save valuable time and let the gamer enjoy their game even longer. A special arm will hold your mobile phone in front of your face while you lay back. The only thing missing is a toilet!

A gamer weary from playing can just move the keyboard arm away, reduce the inclination of the headrest and footrest, and go to sleep on a bed. Is this as comfortable as a regular bed or a couch? Only time will tell. But the demand for these beds has been high; they’re sold out in Japan. And the company doesn’t seem interested in expanding to a global market anytime soon. 

The bed without the frame costs around $460, and you can buy the mattress for around $670 on amazon. A total of $1130, making the setup a high-end purchase. Critics say the mattress itself is very thin and that a decent mattress of better quality can be purchased easily for the same price. Overall the bed doesn’t allow too much motion as it’s the size of a twin bed. 

So the bed is a good option if you have limited space or mobility-related difficulties, but otherwise, just moving from your bed to your desk doesn’t sound like the worst thing in the world. 

Gaming is a hobby that gets criticized all the time. Some critics think this gaming setup is too much, promoting a sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyles can lead to many non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis and certain cancers. 

The gaming bed can be a good option for you based on your needs. If you have a small apartment or have difficulty moving, this might be a good option. If you don’t have the issues mentioned above, buying a regular bed and a gaming chair would do you good. As always, carefully consider your options before making a purchase.

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